We help agricultural retailers sell better.


FutureFarm is a one-stop marketplace solution for businesses selling agronomy, livestock and energy inputs to farmers.

Transparency, choice, convenience, price: give your producers the online buying experience they want.


Who we are

We are a white label price comparison platform for the £800bn global farming inputs market. Our first UK customer created the largest UK farm buying group by membership in less than three years.

Who is this platform for?

Our customers are farm co-ops, buying groups, retailers, distributors and manufacturers - anyone who supplies farmers. Following UK success we are now expanding overseas.

What we do

We provide our customers with easy to use white-label mobile, web and trade desk sales channels, tools to onboard farmers and product suppliers, marketing tools and customer insight, all under one roof

Why trust us

We are experts in marketplaces, farming and finance. We know what needs to be done to make agricultural trading easier, cheaper and more transparent, for the ultimate benefit of farmers.

What makes us unique

We develop unique technology to scale & simplify farm input selling. Our outside-the-box group deal features create bigger margins for our customers and lower prices for farmers.


Input buying for the 21st century.

95% of farms want to adjust their buying behaviour since the pandemic and 87% want digital channels for purchasing decisions*. Input buyers on FutureFarm get this for their farmer members.



Digital sales channels for farmers.

Enjoy the convenience and transparency of buying almost everything you need online. Order inputs like fuel, fertiliser, crop protection, seeds and animal feed via mobile app or web. Take advantage of true group buying.

Quick time to market.

Want to know a little more about us or our platform? The team will be happy to talk about your business.

Why join our platform?

Drive sales

FutureFarm covers all agronomy, livestock and energy inputs. Reach more of your farmers, more cost-effectively.

Grow you customer base

Our easy registration process allows our UK customer to grow by 100 members / 50,000 acres per month.

Actionable data insights

Profiling and segmenting user bases, geographic deal targeting, mobile app and email alerts are all part of the package.

The FutureFarm Podcast

Episode 9: The politics and economics of farming in South Africa